The Empire State’s transition away from fuel-powered buildings, power-plants, and cars is well underway.
New York ISO, which manages New York's electrical grid and wholesale marketplace, put together a report, The Path To A More Reliable Grid for New York, which details the level of planning required to transition the grid from burning fuels to running on renewables.
Hopefully, this thorough report and all the work that is being done leaves people feeling more optimistic about New York waning off fossil fuels and becoming an electrified energy state.
Some of the key points to pay attention to
Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA): the energy plan New York enacted in 2019 requires 70% of the electricity provided in New York to come from clean energy sources by 2030 and 100% of the electricity consumed in New York to be free of fossil fuels by 2040.

“Power Trends 2022," published by the New York Independent System Operator.
Electricity Usage: if the most aggressive forecast for electricity usage scenario materializes, New York's electricity usage will increase from 151,978 GWh in 2021 to 240,000 GWh in 2052.
This most aggressive forecast has assumptions that EV adoption is higher than expected, use of storage batteries is lower than expected and not enough adoption of high efficiency mechanical equipment.

“Power Trends 2022," published by the New York Independent System Operator.
EV Charging: Adoption of electric vehicles will grown 50X in the next twenty years, resulting in a similar increase in the amount of electricity that's needed to run the EVs.
In 2022 there are around 160,000 EVs registered in New York, using approximately 750 GWh of electricity. That equates to each car using around 100 kWh per week.
By 2042, there will be 7.7 million EVs in New York using an estimated 30,000 GWh of electricity.

“Power Trends 2022," published by the New York Independent System Operator.
Upgrading The Grid In A Big Diverse State: Most of the state's clean energy is generated upstate, while most of the energy consumed in the state is downstate (Metro NYC area)
Upstate Energy Production (2021): 91% from zero emissions, 6% from fossil fuels, 2% from other renewables, 1% from hydro-electric, 1% from hydro pumped storage
Downstate Energy Production (2021): 89% from fossil fuels, 5% from Nuclear, 4% from hydro-electric, 2% hydro pumped storage, 1% from other renewables.

“Power Trends 2022," published by the New York Independent System Operator.
New York's transition to renewable clean electricity is ahead of many states, with New York already generating 50% of electricity from renewable sources compared to an average of 20% for the United States.

Heat Pumps Will Change Seasonal Usage Patterns: The increased popularity of heat pumps during winter, and lower reliance on winter fuel, will result in peak winter electricity usage surpassing summer peak usage, in middle of next decade.

“Power Trends 2022," published by the New York Independent System Operator.
Energy Production in 2040: The majority of New York's Energy Production will be from Renewables in 2040.
33% Land Based Wind
20% Offshore Wind
9% Nuclear
7% Solar (Grid Tied)
10% DEFR (New in development nuclear, thermal technologies)
5% Battery Storage

“Power Trends 2022," published by the New York Independent System Operator.
Upgrading The Grid: As the only state to touch the The Atlantic Ocean, great lakes and Canada, New York is fortunate to have access to Upstate & Canadian Hydro Power, Upstate Wind Power and Off Shore Wind Energy on Long Island.
Massive projects are being completed to connect these renewable energy project to an upgrade grid.

“Power Trends 2022," published by the New York Independent System Operator.
Encourage, those interested to read the full full report.